The Russian pianist,Sofya Gulyak is our affiliated artist for 2012/13. She became the first woman to win the Leeds International Piano Competion in 2010.
For professional musicians wishing to attend the symposium please go the Home Page for News and Events and click on Registration. To attend the piano recital by Sofya Gulyak on Friday 13th, please call 020 8789 6163. Entrance to the workshop at 2.0pm on Saturday 14th is free. The fee for public attendees to the symposium is £50.00 per day. Undergraduate students: £25.00 per day (ID will be required at the door). It is essential to bring the receipt as evidence of payment. Tel: 020 8789 6163 for further information. Payment may be made by either by bank transfer to the: Barclays Bank Sort code 20 90 74 Account number 23121534 SWIFT: BARCGB22 IBAN GB71 BARC 2090 7423 1215...
Read MoreRegistration Form Posted by Cristine on May 15th, 2018 in Event News | 0 comments London International Piano Symposium in association with Steinway & Sons UK The Art and Science of Piano Performance: An interdisciplinary symposium for the enhancement of teaching and performance in the twenty-first century. 27,28th & 29th Octiber 2018 Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BS. Submissions Submissions are reviewed anonymously by all the members of the LIPS scientific committee according to their importance, originality, clarity of presentation and interdisciplinarity. BOOKING FORM Title of Abstract: Or, Title of Lecture Recital University /...
Read MoreLIPS is inviting authors who submitted the most original papers at the symposium in 2013, and the next symposium in 2015, to contribute a chapter to New Thoughts on Piano Performance. This book will be a scholarly monograph, that is to say it will attempt to expand the frontiers of knowledge in the field of piano performance by exploring the interface between skilled artistry and scientific research. We propose to collaborate with Kindle Amazon, because: first, they have the largest worldwide marketing strategies, and publish both electronically and in conventional book form; and second because LIPS keeps control of the content and the editing; third, because the...
Read MoreOur goal is to establish the work of LIPS as a ground-breaking part of the musical experience both globally and in the UK by the end of the three cycles. We aim to offer hard evidence to teachers, performers and clinicians about the vital importance of a more unified approach to piano performance based on research at the interface between the arts and sciences. Furthermore we will look to increase the influence of LIPS at home and internationally by cooperating with strong international scientific communities and musical establishments, publishing research papers, live-streaming of the conference and provide the means for students to attend, and bursaries to study for a...
Read MoreWe are currently seeking a fundraiser – would any one interested please contact us. The fundraiser will receive a percentage of all funds raised. Please email the director:
Read MoreFull conference programme provided under News and Events Britten Theatre RCM Background Performance science has grown considerably during the last ten years. But despite the potential for this field to inform educational and professional practice across the arts, its application in the field of piano performance has been largely neglected. This neglect is not surprising, since the area is steeped in traditional methods of performance practice, and suffers also from a mind/body dualism. These workshops will suggest that skilled pianism cannot be achieved exclusively by pursuing the traditional route, in which the student and the teacher sit side by side...
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