Elaine Chew, Queen Mary, University of London Title: Explaining what musicians do, how we do it, and why; making concrete conceptualized structures and expressive (prosodic) decisions that shape musical communications using mathematical models, computational methods, and scientific visualisations Schnabel’s playing of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (15 bars) – Tempo analysis from Elaine Chew on Vimeo. Schnabel’s tempo variations in his performance of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata (15 bars). Vertical...
read moreThe collaboration at the Royal College of Music during February last between Cristine MacKie & Jeanetta Lawrence of the Royal Ballet was so successful that the work is being presented at the Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden on April 23rd, 24th and 26 April.
read moreConference Programme 2013 Friday, 8th February 2013. 8.30-9.00 REGISTRATION Recital Hall, Royal College of Music 9.00-9.15 Welcome 9.15-10.00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS – Professor Roger Kneebone, Imperial College THEMATIC SESSIONS MIND & BODY 10.00-10.30 Jennifer MacRitchie & Alessandro Guisti, Embodying Intentional Musical Expression Through Piano Touch: A Motion Capture Study. 10.30-11.00 Lois Svard, It’s All in Your Mind: Motor Imagery and the Pianist. 11.00-11.30 BREAK 11.30-12.00 Kathleen Riley, Understanding the Physiology of...
read moreFor professional musicians wishing to attend the symposium please go the Home Page for News and Events and click on Registration. For booking a seat for the workshop and the piano recital please call 020 8789 6163 Click here for the RCM’s online box office. To attend the conference on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th February: Public attendees: £50.00 per day Students: £25.00 per day (ID will be required at the door). Please pay by bank transfer to the: London Piano International Symposium Barclays Bank Sort code 20 90 74 Account number...
read moreWe have agreed that the International Piano Magazine and Rhinegold Publishing are to be media partners
read moreCristine MacKie with the Russian Pianist Sofya Gulyak at the launch of LIPS at Steinway Hall
read moreRoyal College of Music Location Map Links to Hotels For South Kensington Hotels go to: LateRooms.com hoteldirect.co.uk. Book online or tel: 0800 633 8000. Outside UK: +44 1872 261 100 South Kensington Hotel Reservations. UK: 0800 066 4911. Outside UK: + 44 203 026 6805. OR go to the Imperial College/accommodation web site for a comprehensive list of well priced hotels within easy reach of the Royal College of Music. For map of the area showing nearest station of South Kensington go to: Google...
read moreThis prestigious interdisciplinary symposium is the first of its kind and has three objectives: to bring together performers and scientists to kindle a renaissance in twenty-first century piano performance through an examination of the skills that underpin piano performance; to generate a more rigorous and effective approach to performing and teaching, a step that is long overdue; to use the research findings to develop outreach programmes in less-advantaged areas of London, for the benefit of young people who would otherwise never have the...
read moreWe are delighted to announce that the surgeon Professor Roger Kneebone from Imperial College, London, has agreed to be a keynote speaker and contribute to the roundtable at the first London International Piano Symposium in Feb, 2013. His approach reflects the aims of LIPS since he is keen also to bring together ‘clinicians, educationalists, computer scientists, psychologists, social scientists, design engineers and experts from the visual and performing arts’ to encourage ‘collaborative research at the intersections...
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