Registration Form and Details

Posted by on Jan 25, 2015 in Event News | 0 comments

Registration Form

Posted by Cristine on May 15th, 2018 in Event News | 0 comments

London International Piano Symposium

in association with

Steinway & Sons UK

The Art and Science of Piano Performance: An interdisciplinary symposium for the enhancement of teaching and performance in the twenty-first century.

27,28th & 29th Octiber 2018

Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BS.


Submissions are reviewed anonymously by all the members of the LIPS scientific committee according to their importance, originality, clarity of presentation and interdisciplinarity.


Title of Abstract:


Title of Lecture Recital

University / Department affiliation

Correspondence address


Email to be included in delegates’ list?


The Registration Fee

The fee for each delegate for the three day conference i.e. from the 27-29th October 2018, including all events, coffees/teas, and a sandwich lunch is £425.00.

Travel Assistance

Delegates needing financial assistance to pay for their travel and/or accommodation should apply to their own department within the university, or seek arts council/trusts or government support within their own country. LIPS cannot finance individuals traveling to and from the conference, or pay accommodation costs, or refund the registration, or conference dinner fee for whatever reason.

Conference Dinner – Delegates pay at the dinner, approx £20-30.00. □

How to Register:

1. Go to

2.Copy the page with the registration form and paste it into a word document.

3. Send your signed and completed booking form with a sterling cheque for the full amount made payable to the London International Piano Symposium 4 Cumberland Gardens London WC1X9AF

4 Alternatively, after downloading and completing the form, scan it to and pay the registration fee by bank transfer to the London International Piano Symposium.

5. Please ensure that if you transfer the money in a different name you add the name on your abstract so that we know who has sent it.

All Payments should be made to: London International Piano Symposiumand all bank charges for the transaction of the registration cost of £425.00 must be met by you

Barclays Bank
Sort code 20 90 74
Account number 23121534

IBAN GB71 BARC 2090 7423 121534

4 Cumberland Gdns, London, WC1 X 9AF. UK

Further information

Registration opens at 8.30-9.00am on 27th, 28th and 29th  October 2018. The conference begins at 9.00am on the 27th Feb. and ends on Monday 29th October 2018 at 6.0pm



AV Equipment

Please indicate below which of the following equipment you will need. PLEASE NOTE that if you bring your own laptop and it is a MAC, YOU MUST bring your own adapter cable to connect to the data projector. PLEASE NOTE too, that if you require extra equipment and technical help, other than that provided below, the extra cost must be met by the presenter and paid in full 1 week before the start of the conference.

□ laptop □ data projector

□ speakers for audio output from laptop □ internet link

□ Overhead projector (for transparencies) □ CD player

□ DVD player

Registration number pending.

LIPS accepts no legal responsibility for any of the facts or opinions stated during this symposium.

LIPS takes seriously also its responsibilities to users with special needs. If you have a particular requirement, please discuss it confidentially with the event organizer before the event takes place

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